Thursday, February 27, 2014

Elisha True Miller Bio (1902-1903)

Elisha True Miller
ELISHA TRUE MILLER was born in Hiwasse, Benton, Arkansas to Robert William Miller and Dora Ann Callis.

In the family records, his birth date is 13 November 1903 and his death date is 24 July 1904. The birth date on his headstone are 30 October 1902 and death date, 24 July 1903. More extensive research is needed in order to confirm which is actually correct. It is a mystery why those dates are on the headstone! Robert and Dora were married 11 January 1903.

From the Miller Family Book, written in 1980: 'True was given his unusual names by his grandmothers.  Elisha came from his Grandmother Miller who was Mary Elizabeth Ping.  There were several Elisha’s in the Ping family.  His Grandmother Callis, Anna Lee Duncan named him True.  He died of ‘summer complaint’ which was dysentery.  After True died, his father became a Christian.'

True died on 25 July 1903 in Benton County, Arkansas of summer complaint, which was acute diarrhea, usually in infants and children -caused by spoiled milk, poultry or produce and occurring during in the hot summer months. He is buried in the Mount Pleasant Cemetery in Benton County, Arkansas. On his gravemarker is the inscription, 'waiting for us'.

Memories by Robert William Miller Jr.: "The baby died at about 9 months and True was the only name he remembered him as being referred to. Both sets of grandmother's picked his names. His memory was that True died from pneumonia."


Refer to, Memories of Robert William Miller Jr., Miller Family Reunion booklet compiled by Margot Mason Stockstill,  family records and research.

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