Saturday, February 22, 2014

ROBERT MILLER - Obituaries and Funeral Program

Masonic funeral services for Robert W. Miller who died suddenly Monday noon of heart failure were held from the Reardon chapel in Ventura Wednesday afternoon with W. T. Frederick, worshipful master, and Berkeley Brandt, acting chaplain in charge. Mr. Miller was the past master of a lodge in Arkansas and had been prominent in the order in the South. The pall bearers were Lloyd T. Poplin, Frank H. De Line, M.L. McDonald, Keo Crowder and Elmer Friend of Ojai and W.H. Elam of Ventura. Masonic ceremonies also accompanied interment at Ivy Lawn.

Mr. Miller who was but 51 years of age, had been a respected resident of the Valley for many years.He had been working Monday morning although he had complained a little of a tightness in his chest and after luncheon suddenly dropped dead.

Besides his widow Mr. Miller leaves his nine children most of them grown or nearly so: Mrs. Margaret Catterlin, Richard, Donald, Maxine, Ruth, Robert Jr., and Jessie, all of Ojai; and the twins Herbert of Texas and Hershel of Detroit.

Crossing The Bar
Sunset and evening star,
And one clear call for me!
And may there be no moaning of the Bar
When I put out to sea.
For tho' from out our bourne of Time and Place
The flood may bear me far,
I hope to see my Pilot face to face
When I have crossed the bar.


OJAI, Feb. 1. --Funeral services were conducted this afternoon for Robert Miller, prominent Mason, who dropped dead Monday of heart disease. Masons were in charge at Reardon chapel, Ventura, and burial in Ivy Lawn Cemetery. W.T. Frederick and Berkeley Brandt, Master and Chaplain, represented Ojai lodge. Pallbearers included Lloyd Poplin, Frank Deline, M.L. McDonald, Leo Crowder and Elmer Friend of Ojai, and W.H. Elom of Ventura.

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